Friday, February 5, 2010

Websites For Toilets For Sale How Does Stuff From Our Toilets In Our House Make It To Sewage Treatment Centers? Any Websites?

How does stuff from our toilets in our house make it to sewage treatment centers? Any websites? - websites for toilets for sale

I'm curious how the waste from our toilets, # 2, to the house all the way to go to the centers of wastewater treatment. Have you do not have all the way down, so that streams? How many cities of this master plan to ensure that everything is downhill it? Or there are bombs and controls?


  1. You're right. Most are designed to use gravity feed. However, some systems have to use bombs. In our region of Switzerland, a vacuum system was installed at the treatment center is bigger than us. The tubes are smaller than the sewage pipes and collected is usually "sucked" into the pumping stations and then to the wastewater treatment plant is located approximately 10 miles pumped.

  2. This website will help you: ...
